Garden Update–July 3rd, 2012


Work has been hectic with the approaching holiday, so I have been delinquent on posting any updates.  However, that has not stopped me from taking photos of the garden’s progress.

The lettuces are filling out nicely and we picked our first few leaves tonight for dinner.  Left to right is the Bronze Arrowhead, Amish Deer Tongue, and Susan’s Red Bibb.  All are varieties from the Seed Savers Exchange.

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The Giant Pumpkins are going berserk!  So, Much so that I had to slide one of my 2×2’s with my squash out of the way of the sprawling vines.  Tonight I saw that the vines are also encroaching on my 2×2 that has my first attempt at some watermelons.  You can ‘t see it in the photo below but the watermelon leaves finally look like they are hitting a growth spurt.


A couple days ago we were able to harvest some of the blueberries from our “wild” high bush blueberry plants.  The berries were small but tasty.  My oldest wolfed them down with his oatmeal, so they went quick.  The berries on our store bought plants are larger in size but not quite ready to pick yet, maybe by the weekend.  I managed to do a little pruning around the wild blueberry bushes to give them access to a little more light.


Finally, I had to pull the majority of my garlic plants.  Way to early I feel, but due to the bulbils on the garlic scapes getting stuck mid-stalk on my plants and causing a blowout (and the plants to collapse) I figured it was time.  The two plants I left in the bed I hope will develop a bigger bulb.  I did eat the largest bulbils from the scape and they were good, very pungent.  The garlic is hanging inside to dry before I store it.  I am hoping the small bulbs I harvested will equal strong flavor, so in essence a little may go along way.

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So far its been an interesting year in the garden, and no matter what, I always seem to be learning something new.  I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July.

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