Square Foot Garden Planting Templates

A couple of nights ago I was scrounging the web for some new raised bed ideas, since I was able to salvage some free lumber for some new beds.  I happened to stumble on an image of a couple planting templates for use in Square Foot Gardening.  When I clicked on the image I was led to one of the most interesting blogs I have stumbled upon, Chiot’s Run.

I dug her post on Square Foot Gardening Templates so much, I had to make my own!

I had a 24”x24” piece of 1/2” plywood that I cut into four 12” squares.  The plan was for a 4-hole, 9-hole, and sixteen hole template.  I started with the 4 and the 9-hole.  I conveniently messed up the layout on the 9-hole and had to re-make it.


I had only one hole saw that I could locate, that I think was a 2” diameter, but most of my holes were about 2-1/8” diameter cut in the plywood.  Originally, I was going to slack off and just bevel the edges with a rasp, but Wen thought breaking out the router and chamfering the edges of the templates and the holes would really finish them off.


In the end I am glad I took the extra time to chamfer the edges, it really made a big difference in the end product.  Now they are off to the paint booth!

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