Onions, Peas, & Green Beans

This post stretches back to Mid-April and work on a new garden bed close to the house in a spot that gets a fair amount of sun.

I removed the dead grass which was dead due to a combination of snow blowing, ice melt and a puppy who will remain nameless. I dug out some of the sandy loam and mixed it with some peat moss and some good compost and added the amended soil back into the bed.

The raised bed was approximately 18″ wide by 25′ long as you follow the brick walk. The left side of the bed was planted in thirds with two varieties of peas, and some green beans. The right side of the bed was planted with some store bought onion sets. I had bad luck with onions last year so I am hoping planting them in this new location will help. After the bed was planted I covered the bed with a light layer of bark mulch.


We have had an unusually wet April and May so the plants have started to pop. I also found a springtime use for all my driveway markers.


Our current progress with this bed as of this evening May 22nd.


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