Another Garden Update

2013-06-09 001 2013-06-09 016

The Mountain Laurel was out in full force today around the yard, many blooms had just started to open up after the first day of sunshine following the left over rain from tropical storm Andrea.

The Fruit:

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The Strawberries are flowering and we have several berries in development.

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The smaller 3-year old plants that I transplanted last year are doing well, and I am glad to find out that I did not kill them by pruning them a bit this spring.  As you can see in the above photo the blueberries have started to fruit!

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Not sure of these are flower buds or developing Raspberries, but either way the wild Raspberries that Wen transplanted from our woods to the yard by the house seem to be thriving.  The berry crop this year will be the true test!

All told we should have a good variety of fruiting crops this year so we will be keeping our fingers crossed.

The Veg:

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This is the first year that we are seeing success with onion sets.  We have tried the onions in a couple locations with no success until now.  Located on the west side of our house they appear to be getting everything they need to thrive.  The stalk diameter is growing with every week and it looks like we will be seeing one of the plants flower possibly this week.  If this is anything like a garlic scape I will be cutting it off when it flowers to force the plant to focus its energy on root development, in lieu of flower production.

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We are trying some tomato plants in 5 gallon buckets this year.  So far so good…

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The potato cages are back and filling out with greens.  They are ready to have another layer of soil added to them.2013-06-03 001 2013-06-03 002

We also have a larger planter box filled with potatoes ready for some more dirt.

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The garlics is doing well.  No garlic scapes yet!  I am faithfully checking our garlic beds daily hoping for that first garlic scape to appear.

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The bush beans are perking up.

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We spread some nice organically dyed bark mulch this weekend to kind of clean some things up, and it provided some good contrast between the greenery we have planted out front!

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Lastly some seedlings I stated a couple weeks ago have really popped.  I cannot remember if the left side is Lupine or Echinacea but I planted both, and will be looking forward to transplanting these for some additional color around the house.  Not sure if the timing will work or not but we will give it a go and hope that we will see some flowers this season from these seedlings.

Pretty exciting happenings around the yard and plantings are finally starting to ramp it up.

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