Indian Summer

With temps in the 60’s today I found myself spending some more time cleaning out the garage so we can actually fit two cars in it again.  I made a pretty good dent transferring summer items to the basement and re-organizing the shelving to better contain the various items we have acquired over the summer months.

One of the items that still needs to be removed from the garage is some old rough sawn pine boards.  I salvaged the boards from the previous home owner’s attempt at shelving that I tore down earlier this spring.  The boards are scheduled to be re-purposed as raised bed frames.  After all one can never have too many raised beds… I am sure the wife may disagree.

Actually, I discovered this summer that the four 4′ x 4′ raised beds I had were inadequate, especially after I overcrowded them with all my “started plants”.  Who would have thought that pretty much all the plants I started would have survived.  Now the million dollar questions.  What size boxes to make and where to locate them?

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3 comments on “Indian Summer”

  1. Fritz Reply

    Sounds like those pine boards are the perfect thing for some new raised beds. And you are right, I currently have 20 4×8 raised beds and it isn’t enough. I have room for another 16 or so in the fenced area, but I doubt I’ll go that far.

    P.S. Thanks for the listing on the blogroll.

    • billcarpenter4 Reply

      That is some serious square footage with your 20 beds. I have been taking it slow working my way into gardening. The 2012 season will be my third season and my goal is to learn something new and hopefully have slightly better success than the previous season. I was surprised at the vast number of gardening blogs out there and have been using the info and experiences others are sharing as my inspriation. As a matter of fact, I actually built my grow light set up with help from my two year old from info I think I found on one of your TSP posts last winter. So it was only appropriate to list your blog as I see you had a picture of the stand in your winter planning 3.0 post. Thanks for the advice and the educational blogging!

      • Fritz Reply

        I’m a year ahead of you on gardening. My first garden was in containers at my townhouse. Our fenced garden area is bigger than the entire townhouse property. Not bragging just pointing out that since we were able to move, we have more room for the homestead.

        It’s great to hear that what I’m blogging is helping people.

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